Teaching Artist Contract
Required Commitment
ARTIST is required to:
Arrive on time and teach all classes for which ARTIST is scheduled.
Fill a sub quota of at least two sub dates per year.
Maintain teaching availability throughout the year. (Vacations/breaks for teachers must be arranged during summer term and/or during ADC closures, including a one week for Fall Break and two to three weeks for Winter Break.)
Communication is critical to the functioning of our programs. ARTIST is required to check email and text messages daily and respond to all communication in a timely manner. ADC will also provide important information in a Staff Communication Folder. ARTIST is expected to read and sign shared material within 5 business days.
School Staff Mobile Contacts
Chloe Jensen (Artistic Director): 773.580.6887
Kip Conwell (Production Director): 773.580.5909
Katie Harmon (Program Manager): 828.429.6529
Employment Status
ARTIST is an employee of ADC (not an independent contractor). ADC withholds federal and state taxes, withholds and matches social security and Medicare and provides a W-2 form at the end of the tax year (not a 1099). ARTIST must complete a monthly work report online, due by 9:00 AM on the last day of each month.
Pay Rates
$32.00 per hour for teaching
$17.00 per hour for set up, rigging, admin tasks and open/close studio
$17.00 per hour for staff training and staff meetings
Free Classes
ARTIST receives free access to any remaining spots in aerial classes after the deadline for students. To join classes, ARTIST agrees to register online, follow all school policies.
Use of ADC Space
The Aerial Dance Chicago studio at 4028 W. Irving Park Rd may only be used for Aerial Dance Chicago activities and purposes. It may not be used for any other purpose. ADC will designate some weekly studio hours for lesson planning and practice for Teaching Artists.
Key Policy
ARTIST is provided with keys to the studio. Having a set of keys DOES NOT mean you have automatic permission to enter the space. You must be scheduled or have gained permission from the Director prior to entry into the studio.
Conflict of Interest
ARTIST agrees not to engage in activities that are a conflict of interest. Employment with ADC will be terminated if conflict of interest is present. ARTIST agrees not to discuss, distribute materials or recruit ADC students for other organizations, events or individual endeavors. ARTIST agrees not use ADC curriculum, choreography or any other copyrighted material for classes, performances or events for other organizations, individual endeavors or any purpose outside of ADC work. If ARTIST is unclear if conflict of interest is present, ARTIST agrees to discuss with Director prior to engagement.
ARTIST should plan to arrive early. Lateness will not be tolerated. Absences will not be tolerated, except in the case of illness. Repeated absences (or lateness) will result in termination of employment. All planned absences must be disclosed at least 8 weeks in advance.
Substitute Instructors
If unable to teach a class, ARTIST must find a qualified ADC staff member to sub. If a sub is not available, ARTIST must teach the class. For all planned absences, artist must have a sub in place at least 6 weeks in advance of the date.
Because different people celebrate different holidays, ADC will run classes on holidays. Students may miss due to a holiday they observe and ADC will honor this with a free make up in Open Studio. Please plan ahead if you need a sub for any holiday dates and follow sub protocol above.
Providing breaks and time for vacation for all of our ARTISTS is important. ADC closes for 4 weeks out of every year to give staff and teachers a break. For Summer Term we may set up co-teaching arrangement so that teachers can take vacations. As much as possible try to plan vacations during the 4 weeks ADC is closed or during the Summer Term. Visit the School Calendar for term dates and studio closure dates.
ARTIST agrees to read, sign, follow and refer back to as needed ADC’s Creative Copyright and Media Policy.
All creative material generated during ADC activities, including but not limited to training, curriculum, choreography, costumes, lighting, rig design, apparatus design, photos/videos (including media taken with ARTIST device), etcetera, are copyrighted property of ADC and may not be used for any purpose outside of ADC. When posting or sharing media from ADC activities, artist agrees to directly and prominently tag @aerialdancechicago. In the case tag is not possible, artist agrees to credit “Aerial Dance Chicago” full company name on the first line of text. ARTIST agrees never to use ADC copyrighted material for any purpose outside of Aerial Dance Chicago, both while employed by the company and when ARTIST is no longer employed by ADC.
The ADC School Learning Environment
ADC strives to provide a warm and friendly learning environment that is inclusive, non-competitive and focused on the joy of movement. The ADC studio is a place where students can grow physically, mentally and emotionally and where the social atmosphere is supportive. ARTIST should foster this positive and uplifting atmosphere within classes. ARTIST is expected to uphold Our Promise.
Aerial Dance Chicago is exclusively dedicated to dance artistry. All programming of Aerial Dance Chicago must be within the genre of dance and aerial art and must be appropriate for people of all ages and all walks of life. ADC does not teach circus, aerial stunt work or burlesque. If posting images or videos in ADC, make sure it aligns with our vision and mission and make sure all connected material, including titles, tags and hashtags are dance focused. Do not mention, tag or connect our work to circus, aerial tricks, stunts or burlesque.
Vision, Mission, Safety & Curriculum
ARTIST is required to:
Maintain and uphold ADC’s vision and mission to the highest degree.
Read and follow Safety Policy and the Curriculum and Pre-requisites for each class level.
Prepare and teach lessons appropriate for the strength and skill level of each class level and provide modifications as needed for individual participants.
Follow step-by-step skill progressions and make sound judgments with the safety of all participants in mind.
Student Showings
ARTIST agrees to create safe and level appropriate routines for student showings and assist at shows in which their classes are performing.
Emergency Contact
In case of emergency, call 911 and contact Chloe and Kip immediately. Emergency contacts for each student are located on class rosters.
Student Attendance Roster
ARTIST is required to take attendance on the online class roster on the day of each class. This is a critical step in ADC record keeping and grant seeking. ARTIST agrees not to use roster and database information for any purpose outside of recording attendance and fulfilling job duties of ADC.
Class Enrollment
Classes that do not meet the minimum enrollment threshold will be canceled. ARTIST may do studio cleaning tasks in place of canceled classes to earn their expected hours.
ARTIST agrees to abide by the rules set forth in the ADC Confidentiality Agreement.
Communication with Students and Parents
ARTIST is required to use excellent customer service skills when interacting with students and potential students. Please be welcoming and friendly to students, parents, and newcomers. For all business-related questions, redirect to Directors and for all school related questions you cannot answer please redirect to Program Manager.
Studio Set Up & Clean Up
ARTIST is required to arrive early to prepare for classes. ARTIST must follow Opening and Closing procedures posted at the studio and also available for reference in the Staff Communication Folder.
Class Structure
Most of our classes are 60 minutes. Aerial classes must follow this structure: Maximum 10-minute warm up and minimum 50-minutes of aerial instruction. Students requiring warm up beyond 10-minutes may come 5 to 10 minutes early to self-warm up.
Start and End On Time
Start and End on time. Do not wait for late students to begin class. Start class on time, even if only 1 student is present. Class time should never be used for your own training or lesson planning. This is ADC’s students time to learn.
Curriculum and Lesson Plans
Plan your lessons ahead and give our students one full hour of instruction. ARTIST must use the Aerial Fabric Curriculum provided by ADC and must cover all foundational skills in the curriculum. Teacher may build on this, however it must still be in line with the safety policies and vision/mission of ADC. ARTIST must know and follow class level pre-requisites in making advancement recommendations for students, and must communicate this information clearly to students and staff.
Keep spotting and hands on cues to a minimum. Break down movements into smaller tasks to master, which will eventually result in successful completion of the goal you have set without spotting.
Spotify is available for creating playlists and playing music. Remember that we are striving for a space with an artistic feel and uplifting vibe. Login studio@aerialdancechicago.org / hipkey2020 for access.
Extrinsic Gifts
No candy, stickers or other extrinsic gifts or rewards are allowed to be distributed to students at ADC. For youth students that have learned from other schools to expect extrinsic rewards, help them learn to understand that the joy of moving and learning is the reward.
ARTIST leaving their teaching position must provide a written resignation with at least 12-week notice. After resignation, ARTIST agrees not to utilize any copyrighted property of ADC. ARTIST is restricted from accepting new employment or partnerships in aerial dance or aerial related work for 4-weeks from the date ARTIST last taught at ADC.
Breach of Contract
In the case ARTIST breaches this contract during employment or after employment, ARTIST will be responsible for paying the full cost of training received at ADC.