Intermediate-Advanced Ballet
Intermediate-Advanced Ballet
Ages 12-18
Experienced ballet students will be challenged with more complex technical skills and sequences with focus on precision, musicality and artistry.
Solstice Term: April 28 - June 22
Registration Deadline April 22
Level / Day & Time:
What to Wear for Ballet Classes
Leotards with tights or leggings.
Split-sole Canvas Ballet Slippers.
All hair must be secured to the head in a bun. This is important to help students learn turns and pirouettes.
No tshirts, sweatshirts or baggy clothing. These inhibit staff from being able to teach body alignment and technique.
Here are links to some recommended ballet slippers:
Youth Capezio Ballet Slipper
Adult Capezio Ballet Slipper
Youth and Adult SoDanca Stretch Canvas Ballet Slipper