Beginning Ballet — Aerial Dance Chicago

Beginning Ballet

Beginning Ballet


Ages 10+

This class focuses on the fundamentals of ballet, helping young students develop grace, discipline, mind-body coordination and creative expression. No experience needed.

Solstice Term: April 28 - June 22

Registration Deadline April 22

Class Day and Time:
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What to Wear for Ballet Classes

  • Leotards with tights or leggings.

  • Canvas Ballet Slippers.

  • All hair must be secured to the head in a bun. This is important to help students learn turns and pirouettes.

  • No tshirts, sweatshirts or baggy clothing. These inhibit staff from being able to teach body alignment and technique.

Here are links to some recommended ballet slippers:

Adult Canvas Stretch Canvas Ballet Slipper

Youth and Adult SoDanca Stretch Canvas Ballet Slipper